DARWIN (Delaware Advanced Research Workforce and Innovation Network) is a big data and high performance computing system designed to catalyze Delaware research and education. An interdisciplinary team of researchers led by Rudolf (Rudi) Eigenmann, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received a $1.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund DARWIN.


DARWIN will serve as a critical and transformative upgrade to Delaware’s cyberinfrastructure, enabling research and educational activities for a large number of faculty across all UD colleges as well as for users from academic and industrial partners within the broader Delaware region. The instrumentation is designed to enable research broadly across disciplines with diverse software and hardware needs including, but not limited to, problems that scale to large numbers of processors and data sets, involve large data transfers, use advanced graphics accelerators, and require new operating modes. It will also serve to train students and researchers on computational and data-intensive methods and enhance these skills in the greater Delaware region.


DARWIN Architecture

DARWIN has 105 compute nodes with a total of 6672 cores, 22 GPUs, 100TB of memory, and 1.2PB of disk storage. See a breakdown of these numbers.

DARWIN Allocations

Please see the Computational Resources page for details

DARWIN Fees for Use

Internal and external academic use of DARWIN is currently free of charge.  For our external industry partners, please click here for current fees. 

DARWIN Computing Symposium (DCS)

The DCS will be held annually, usually in February. The date for DCS2024 will be Feb 12, 2024! Click to learn more about these events and view recordings of previous events visit DCS2023, DCS2022, DCS2021 and DCS2020.


We require all allocation recipients to acknowledge their allocation awards using the following standard text:

“This research was supported in part through the use of DARWIN computing system: DARWIN – A Resource for Computational and Data-intensive Research at the University of Delaware and in the Delaware Region, which is supported by NSF under Grant Number: 1919839, Rudolf Eigenmann, Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Arthi Jayaraman, William Totten, and Cathy H. Wu, University of Delaware, 2021, URL:https://udspace.udel.edu/handle/19716/29071

Our Mission

The Institute aims to accelerate research in data science, serving as a nucleating effort to catalyze interdisciplinary research collaborations across fields impacting our society.