The Data Science Institute is sponsoring a full day symposium at the UD STAR Campus in STAR Tower Audion on February 12, 2020. This event will be the formal kick-off meeting for the DARWIN High Performance Computing (HPC) resource. In addition to a few invited talks, we will have a poster presentation session with posters from faculty and/or students within the UD campus as well as from external partner institutions who wish to use DARWIN resources for their computational work.

Researchers at UD that have expressed interest and proposed ways to use DARWIN resources during the proposal preparation stage are invited to attend this symposium and present a poster (at most one poster from each research lab). The posters should describe how they anticipate using DARWIN for ongoing/future projects in their research groups.

The 2020 DSI DARWIN Computing Symposium proceedings are accessible here.    

Session I: DARWIN for Chemical, Physical & Materials Science and Engineering
Arthi Jayaraman

Arthi Jayaraman

Professor, Chemical Engineering,

University of Delaware

Dionisios Vlachos

Dionisios Vlachos

Director, Delaware Energy Institute & Director, Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation,

University of Delaware

Jodi Hadden-Perilla

Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry,

University of Delaware

Session II: DARWIN for Biomedical and Biological Sciences
Cathy Wu

Cathy Wu

Director, Data Science Institute,

University of Delaware

Jeffrey Caplan

Jeffrey Caplan

Associate Professor, Plant & Soil Sciences and Director Bioimaging Center,

University of Delaware

Mia Papas

Mia Papas

PhD, Corporate Director,

Christiana Care Value Institute

Session III: DARWIN for Environmental Sciences

Jeffrey Buler

Associate Professor, Wildlife Ecology,

University of Delaware


Pinki Mondal

Assistant Professor, Geography,

University of Delaware

Kent Messer

Professor, Economics,

University of Delaware

Session IV: DARWIN for Business, Social Sciences, and Educational Efforts
Benjamin Bagozzi

Benjamin Bagozzi

Associate Professor, Political Science & International Relations,

University of Delaware

Malcolm D’Souza

Malcolm D’Souza

Professor, Chemistry & Dean of Interdisciplinary / Collaborative Sponsored Research,

Wesley College

Xiao Fang

Xiao Fang

Professor, Management Information Systems,

University of Delaware

Industry Sponsors





Download Schedule

9:30Session I
10:25Coffee Break
10:40Remarks from NSF
10:55Session II
11:50 Lunch
12:40Poster Session
1:40About DARWIN
2:15Session III
3:10Coffee Break
3:25Session IV
4:20Panel and Discussion
4:50Closing Remarks
Planning Committee
  • Arthi Jayaraman
  • Rudolf Eigenmann
  • Benjamin Bagozzi
  • William Totten
  • Cathy Wu
  • Andrea Trungold: Coordinator

Our Mission

The Institute aims to accelerate research in data science, serving as a nucleating effort to catalyze interdisciplinary research collaborations across fields impacting our society.