Thank you for joining us for the 2024 DARWIN Computing Symposium, sponsored by the Data Science Institute. This Delaware Advanced Research Workforce and Innovation Network (DARWIN) Computing Symposium event has served as the annual meeting for the NSF-funded DARWIN High Performance Computing (HPC) Resource since 2020. As the NSF project ended in September 2023, we will continue to expand the DARWIN Computing Symposium as a venue to showcase and develop regional partnerships for research computing.

With a goal to advance future computing needs for artificial intelligence, to reduce the overhead for domain scientists utilizing HPC, and to develop regional partnerships, the 2024 DARWIN Computing Symposium featured panels and talks on DARWIN-enabled research, on computational and data-intensive (CDI) research/training needs, and on AI-focused CDI research more generally. These talks include the use of AI in HPC to advance sciences and predictive capabilities with societal relevance and new tools from the leading industry partners. Panel discussions aim at facilitating interactions between research software engineers and domain scientists to advance scientific progress in different disciplines. In addition, poster presentations by students and postdocs  highlighted a number of relevant CDI research projects.

This day-long event was held in-person at UD’s Star Campus in The Tower at STAR Audion from 8:30am-5:00pm on Monday, February 12, 2024.

The 2024 DARWIN Computing Symposium proceedings are available here


Update on the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot

William Miller

Senior Advisor

Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering

National Science Foundation

Keynote Speaker

AI For Biodiversity: Combatting Extinction Together

Tanya Berger-Wolf

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering,

Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Evolution Ecology and Organismal Biology

Ohio State University

Session I: HPC and Data Science

Roger Wang

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Rutgers University

Jing Gao

Assistant Professor of Geography and Spatial Sciences

University of Delaware

Gulni Ozbay

Professor of Natural Resources

Delaware State University

Kyle Davis

Assistant Professor of Geography and Spatial Sciences

University of Delaware

Session Chair: Marianna Safronova

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

University of Delaware


Session II: Science on DARWIN

Carolina Perez Segura

PhD Candidate

Hadden-Perilla Research Laboratory

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Nitant Gupta

Postdoctoral Researcher

Jayaraman Lab

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Vineeth Gutta

PhD Candidate

Computational Research and Programming Lab

Computer and Information Sciences

Session Chair: Ben Bagozzi

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations

University of Delaware

Panel Discussion: Beyond DARWIN: The Next Generation

Jing Gao

Assistant Professor of Geography and Spatial Sciences

University of Delaware

Marianna Safronova

Professor of Physics and Astronomy

University of Delaware

Robert Henschel

Project Director, Research Engagement, Research Technologies

Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University

Sunita Chandrasekaran

Associate Professor of Computer and Information Sciences, Co-Director AI Center of Excellence

University of Delaware

Session Chair: John Huffman

Director of Research Computing

University of Delaware



Thank you to our sponsors!




Research Desktop: A Remote Linux Desktop Environment Demo by Robert Henschel, Indiana University

View Flyer



8:30 Registration & Poster Setup
9:00 Welcome & Introductions
9:10 Remarks from UD
9:20 Remarks from NSF-OAC
9:40 Keynote
10:25 Coffee Break
10:40 Session I: HPC and Data Science
12:15 Lunch
12:50 Poster Lightning Talks
1:15 Poster Session
2:15  Session II: Science on DARWIN
3:15 Coffee Break
3:30 Panel: Beyond DARWIN: The Next Generation
4:30 Closing Remarking & Best Poster Award
Planning Committee

Tom Hsu (Chair)
Rudolf Eigenmann
Arthi Jayaraman
Benjamin Bagozzi
Cathy Wu
William Totten
John Huffman
Daria Blinova
Lynette Carney
Michael Blaustein
Jiaye Zhang
Samantha Smith (Coordinator)



  • Welcome and Remarks from UD IT and NSF-OAC [Video]
  • Keynote Session: Tanya Berger-Wolf [Video]
  • Session I: HPC and Data Science [Video]
  • Poster session Lightning Talks [Video]


  • Session II: Science on DARWIN [Video]
  • Panel: Beyond DARWIN [Video]
  • Poster Award & Closing Remarks [Video]

Our Mission

The Institute aims to accelerate research in data science, serving as a nucleating effort to catalyze interdisciplinary research collaborations across fields impacting our society.