For the Record
DSI Affiliated Faculty member, Chandra L. Reedy, professor in the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration, director of the Center for Historic Architecture and Design and affiliated faculty member in art history, anthropology and Asian studies) was presented the Anna O. Shepard Award by the Art, Archaeology and Conservation Science Division of the American Ceramic Society at the Materials Science and Technology 24 meeting in Pittsburgh PA.
Faculty Senate Award Ceremony
The University of Delaware’s Office of the Provost, in partnership with the Faculty Senate, held the second annual Faculty Senate Awards Ceremony recognizing faculty in teaching, advising and mentoring, scholarship and creative activities, service and community engagement teaching, advising and mentoring, scholarship and community engagement. Awardees include DSI Associate Director Ben Bagozzi, and DSI Affiliated faculty members Carolyn Voter and Christina Barbieri.
Candidates for Engineering Dean to Visit UD
DSI Director Cathy Wu, Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair in Engineering and Computer Science, has been appointed to co-chair the search advisory committee for the next dean of the University of Delaware’s College of Engineering (CoE). Candidates will visit campus beginning Tuesday, October 15, to participate in town hall meetings. The full schedule is available on the CoE dean search website, with biographical information about each candidate available through a UD login 24 hours before their town hall. This livestream link can be used for each town hall.
Health and Hurricane Helene
DSI Faculty Council member Jen Horney‘s article outlining health risks in mountain areas flooded by Hurrican Helene has been published in The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good.
For the Record
DSI Faculty Council member Bintong Chen has been appointed Chaplin Tyler Professor; the Chaplin Tyler Professorship recognizes exceptional accomplishment in scholarship and a profound commitment to graduate education.
For the Record
DSI Infrastructure Working Group member Annie Johnson, associate University librarian for publishing, research and digital access, is a coauthor of “It Takes a Village: A Distributed Training Model for AI-Based Chatbots,” published in Information Technology and Libraries, 43(3).
Environmental Protection Agency Recognition
DSI Affiliated Faculty member Dionisios Vlachos, Unidel Dan Rich Chair in Energy and director of the Delaware Energy Institute, was recognized on Thursday, September 26, with the U.S. EPA 2024 Green Chemistry Challenge Award. The award recognizes Vlachos’ research and development of lubricant base oils from plant or food waste biomass, a greener alternative to petroleum-based products.
Modern-day Alchemy
A research team led by DSI Affiliated Faculty members Dion Vlachos, a chemical and biomolecular engineer, and Michael Crossley, an entomologist and wildlife ecologist, has synthesized new active insecticidal ingredients that are target-specific and ecologically safer than conventional pesticides.
Mercury in Fish
Results from a new study led by DSI Affiliated Faculty member Mi-Ling Li, assistant professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology at the University of Delaware, suggest that tropical and subtropical fisheries account for more than 70% of methylmercury fished from the ocean, largely because they are the major fishing grounds for commercially important fish like tuna and countries from all over the world want to harvest these fish.
For the Record
DSI Affiliated Faculty member Jack Puleo, professor and chair of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, has been appointed by the secretary of the Army to a three-year term on the Coastal Engineering Research Board.