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Help at Your Fingertips

A new smartphone app puts a network of information and support about opioid and other substance use disorders into the hands of users, their loved ones and health care providers. The app, Help Near and Now (or HeNN), was developed by a multidisciplinary team at the University of Delaware, including DSI Director, Cathy Wu, and DSI Affiliated Faculty, Hui Fang, along with industry partners.

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Tammy Anderson, a UD professor in sociology and the Center for Drug and Health Studies, has worked with a team from computer engineering and an outside software firm to develop a free app addressing the opioid crisis in Delaware.

North America’s Carbon Cycle

Data Science Institute Affiliated Faculty, Rodrigo Vargas, and more than 200 experts from the United States, Canada and Mexico recently unveiled Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2), a state-of-the-art assessment of carbon cycle science across North America and its connection with climate and society.

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Virtual Reality for Physical Therapy

DSI Resident Faculty, Roghayeh (Leila) Barmaki was part of a team that recently won the Best Virtual Reality Prize at the Reality Virtually Hackathon, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab from Jan. 17 to 21, 2019.

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UD’s ‘Fighting Astrophysicist’ Named a TED Fellow

Federica Bianco, DSI Resident Faculty member who joined UD’s faculty last year in the cluster hire for DSI, moonlights as a professional boxer – bantamweight division. Now her outside-the-box approach to life and learning and interdisciplinary adventure has caught the imagination of the TED Fellows program, which she has been selected to join – one of only 20 fellows worldwide in the 2019 class. She is the first UD faculty member to be named a TED Fellow.

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Astrophysicist Federica Bianco, who joined the University of Delaware faculty through the Data Science Institute’s recent cluster hire, has been named a 2019 TED Fellow - one of only 20 fellows named from around the world.

Intellectual Intersection

“One of the primary missions of a major research university like UD is to be an intellectual intersection — a hub of discovery that combines and amplifies the work of multiple disciplines,” President Assanis says. “The big challenges are incredibly complex, so they have to be addressed from many different angles.” The Data Science Institute is one of the biggest initiatives.

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Highly Cited Researcher

DSI Director, Cathy Wu, was recently named to the Clarivate Analytics list of Highly Cited Researchers for 2018. This list identifies scholars whose publications are in the top 1% for citations by other researchers via Web of Science, a scientific citation indexing service. Dr. Wu has made the Highly Cited Researchers list for the fifth year in a row in the field of biology and biochemistry.

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A ‘Momentous Day’ for University of Delaware Research

The University of Delaware on Tuesday, Sept. 4, celebrated the addition of a powerful new muscle in its research enterprise, launching its Data Science Institute before a full house in Gore Recital Hall. The new institute links faculty and students from all of UD’s seven colleges, including health sciences, physical sciences, environmental sciences, behavioral and social sciences and public policy.

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UD Announces New Data Science Institute and Founding Director

The University of Delaware is establishing a new institute to accelerate research in data science, and a pioneer in the interdisciplinary field, tapped from UD’s faculty ranks, will lead it. Cathy Wu, the Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair in Engineering and Computer Science and an expert in bioinformatics, will serve as the founding director of the University of Delaware Data Science Institute.

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Cathy Wu, the Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair in Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Delaware, has been appointed the director of UD’s new Data Science Institute. An expert in bioinformatics, she works on research projects that encompass 350 terabytes of data annually. A terabyte is a trillion bytes or units of digital information. The institute will engage researchers from all seven colleges at UD.

Our Mission

The Institute aims to accelerate research in data science, serving as a nucleating effort to catalyze interdisciplinary research collaborations across fields impacting our society.