Next-Generation AI Educaton
DSI Faculty Council member Sunita Chandrasekaran, the AI graduate certificate’s program director, states that UD’s new graduate certificate in artificial intelligence is designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge needed to pursue careers in AI research, development and application development.
Early Career Award
DSI Resident Faculty member Kyle Davis receives 2023 Global Environmental Change Early Career Award from the American Geophysical Union.
The Power of Data
The 2023 Data Science Symposium brought together a broad cross-section of researchers from academia, industry and businesses across the Mid-Atlantic region on Sept. 22. Topics covered a range of research underway, with an emphasis on efforts in the areas of fintech and health equity.
Eigenmann Appointed Co-Director of UD’s FinTech Enterprise
DSI Faculty Council member Rudolf Eigenmann, distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering in the College of Engineering, will co-direct the University of Delaware’s collaborative endeavors at the new FinTech Innovation Hub on UD’s Science Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) Campus.
UFOs to UAPs
University of Delaware astrophysicist and DSI Resident Faculty member Federica Bianco was selected to participate in a study of NASA’s technical capabilities to investigate Unidentified Anomalous Probes that released its final report on 9/14/2023.
Outstanding Achievement
DSI Affiliated Faculty member LaShanda Korley from the University of Delaware’s College of Engineering and Mary P. Watson from the College of Arts and Sciences has been named as 2023 Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
Adam Fleischhacker, DSI Faculty Council member and Lerner College associate professor of operations management, recently published a book titled, A Business Analyst’s Introduction to Business Analytics (2nd edition) Coding in R for Fast, Easy, and Visual Bayesian Inference.
How Cells Communicate
DSI affiliated faculty Shawn Polson, associate professor of computer and information sciences and director of UD’s bioinformatics core facility, is a co-investigator on an NSF grant to enhance understanding of cellular communication.
Cover “Cropstacle” Course
UD researchers investigate the effect of rye cover crop shading on corn roots and shoots in traditional and short-stature corn; serving on the grant’s team is DSI Affiliated Faculty member Erin Sparks, assistant professor of plant molecular biology.