Thank you for joining us for the University of Delaware Data Science Institute (DSI)’s fourth annual DARWIN Computing Symposium on February 23, 2023.
This DARWIN Computing Symposium serves as the preeminent event for academics and industry partners working at the intersection of high performance computing and data science in the Delaware region. It is also the annual meeting for the NSF-funded DARWIN High Performance Computing (HPC) Resource. The 2023 DARWIN Computing Symposium hosted a series of panels and talks on DARWIN, on future computational and data-intensive (CDI) research/training needs, on regional collaboration, and on HPC-enabled research more generally. In addition, poster presentations by (under)graduate students and postdocs highlighted a number of relevant CDI research projects.
The 2023 DARWIN Computing Symposium proceedings are accessible here.
Recordings and photos of the event are available below.

Session I: Science on DARWIN

Cathy Wu
Data Science Institute
University of Delaware
Session II: Broadening Participation: Regional and National Resources

Anita Schwartz
Lead Scientific Application Consultant, HPC Team
University of Delaware

Michael Blaustein
Industry Liaison, Data Science Institute
University of Delaware
Benjamin Bagozzi
Political Science & International Relations
University of Delaware
Session III: Science on DARWIN

Manju Anandakrishnan
Graduate Student (Wu Lab), Bioinformatics Data Science
University of Delaware

Ankit Kulshrestha
Graduate Student (Safro Lab), Computer & Information Sciences
University of Delaware

Chris Lashley
Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Applied Coastal Research
University of Delaware

Rudi Eigenmann
DiCoS Core Director
Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Delaware
Session IV: HPC and Data Science Current and Future Initiatives

8:30 | Registration & Poster Setup |
9:00 | Introduction |
9:15 | Remarks from UD Provost |
9:30 | Remarks from NSF-OAC |
9:45 | Session I |
10:45 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Session II |
12:00 | Lunch |
12:40 | Poster Session Lightning Talks |
1:15 | Poster Session |
2:15 | Break |
2:20 | Session III |
3:20 | Session IV |
4:00 | Coffee Break |
4:15 | Panel: What is next? |
4:55 | Closing Remarks & Best Poster Award |
Planning Committee
Marianna Safronova (Chair)
Rudolf Eigenmann
Arthi Jayaraman
Benjamin Bagozzi
Cathy Wu
William Totten
John Huffman
Jodi Hadden-Perilla
Juan Perilla
Jun Ren
Julie Cowart
Lynette Carney
Michael Blaustein
Charles Cheung (Posters Co-Chair)
Lev Levintov (Posters Co-Chair)
Samantha Smith (Coordinator)