Treating Asthma with Data Analytics
Research from DSI Affiliated Faculty, Junbo Son could transform the future of asthma management.
Expert Insight on Coronavirus
Before the first positive case had been reported in Delaware, on Wednesday, March 4 the University of Delaware hosted a 90-minute panel discussion to bring the UD community and the public up to speed on COVID-19. Included on the panel was DSI affiliated faculty, Prof. Jennifer Horney of UD’s Disaster Research Center and founder of the University’s program in epidemiology.
Crops for Cows
DSI Resident Faculty and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences and the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Kyle Davis performed the crop water-use estimates for the study that shows water scarcity driven by beef production in the Western United States.
Harnessing Exotic Genetics
A multi-institutional team led by University of Delaware plant geneticist and DSI Affiliated Faculty, Randy Wisser, decoded the genetic map for how corn from tropical environments can be adapted to the temperate U.S. summer growing season.
Cracking the Code
Dion Vlachos, Director of the Delaware Energy Institute and the Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation and DSI Faculty Council Member is co-PI on a $3.69 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Vlachos along with other University of Delaware researchers are working to unlock new routes to sustainably develop materials from lignin.
New IEEE Fellows
Rudi Eigenmann, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and DSI Faculty Council Member, DiCos Core Director and Chair, DSI Infrastructure Working Group has been named a Fellow of IEEE (formerly known as The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Professor Eigenmann was named a Fellow for contributions to compilers for high-performance computing.
Mapping Soil Moisture in High Definition
Rodrigo Vargas, Associate Professor of Ecosystem Ecology and Environmental Change and DSI Faculty Council Member, and doctoral student Mario Guevara have developed a new, more accurate way to map predicted soil moisture, even in areas where no data have been available.
Switching Cereals
DSI Resident Faculty and Assistant Professor in the departments of Geography & Spatial Sciences and Plant & Soil Sciences, Kyle Davis, led a study that shows how India can improve nutrition, climate resilience, and the environment by diversifying its crop production.
Bringing It Down To Earth
Two unlikely UD collaborators — an engineer and a journalist — teamed up to develop a program that helps UD students explain their research in terms mere mortals might understand. The five-part “Words For Nerds” seminar was developed by Joshua Zide, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and DSI Affiliated Faculty, Dawn Fallik, Associate Professor of English, to give graduate students training and practice in the art of explaining complex ideas to street-level audiences.
Mapping Data
Graduate student Abdul Qadir puts love of geography to use through data science. Qadir is a master’s student in data science program and a research assistant for Pinki Mondal, assistant professor in the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences, and DSI resident faculty.