DSI Founding Director Cathy Wu named 2023 Fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology.
Founding Director of the UD Data Science Institute, Cathy Wu, Unidel Edward G. Jefferson Chair and Professor of the College of Engineering’s Computer and Information Sciences department, has been named as a 2023 Fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).
Mind and Body
DSI Affiliated Faculty member Joshua Cashaback, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, received an NSF CAREER award to study the relationship between decision-making and movement control. The long-term goal of this research is to develop novel rehabilitation programs for patients with neurodegenerative disease.
Crop Shocks
Kyle Davis, DSI Resident Faculty member and assistant professor in the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences and the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, and Dongyang Wei (left), a doctoral candidate in the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences, led a new study that focused on crop production shocks and how they are affected by variations in planted and harvested areas.
Poultry Pests
UD professor and DSI Affiliated Faculty member Michael Crossley and grad student investigate the cost of lesser mealworm on farmers’ bottom line.
Computation and Crochet
The National Science Foundation has awarded an Early Career Award to DSI Affiliated Faculty member, Jodi Hadden-Perilla, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Delaware. The award brings five years of support for her study of viruses and the processes they use to hijack healthy cells.
UD Professor’s Research Cited in White House Economic Report
DSI Affiliated Faculty member, Kassra Oskooii’s research was referenced in this year’s Economic Report of the President.
Technology and Teachers
Technology can be a cost-effective means to improve education in developing countries. But how it’s used really matters, UD researchers have found. That’s an idea you’ll find in a study published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, by UD’s DSI Affiliated Faculty member Adrienne Lucas and Sabrin Beg.
A Career Path Paved with Data
A variety of computational resources are available to students in the new predoctoral training program in data science at UD. Program director and DSI Affiliated Faculty member Shawn Polson (left) describes the Biomix computational cluster while giving a tour of the data center at the Ammon Pinizzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center. Biomix is hosted with support from Delaware INBRE and the Delaware Biotechnology Institute.
Food Insecurity in the Bahamas
Through a recent Fulbright Award, DSI Faculty Council member, Allison Karpyn, co-director of the Center for Education Research and Social Policy (CRESP) is studying food insecurity and agro-tourism in the Bahamas. Karpyn is an associate professor in the Department of the Human Development and Family Sciences within the College of Education and Human Development.
Expanding DENIN’s Reach
The Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN) has selected UD professor and DSI Affiliated Faculty Nina David to be a 2023-25 Faculty Fellow.