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Meet a Data Scientist & Community Lightning Talks on Using Julia for Data Science

Rosha Pokharel

Lead Data Scientist at Centene Corporation

Time: March 4, 2021 @ 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Location: Zoom

Dr. Rosha Pokharel is the Lead Data Scientist at Centene Corporation. She received her Master of Science and Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Florida in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Her dissertation focused on online learning with kernel methods. She has over 6 years of industry experience in data science and was previously employed at IBM and The Weather Company, an IBM Business, in Madison, Wisconsin. Currently, her team is looking to hire additional data scientists. She will discuss her career in data science and the data science skills her team values.

Lightning Talks: As a continuation from last week’s presentation we are encouraging anyone to present short (<10 minute) talks on a data science application in the Julia environment. If you are an expert or have just started, please feel free to walk through your code and discuss the functionality.

We will have breakout sessions at the end to meet with Dr. Pokharel, discuss Julia, and plan upcoming community hours. If you are interested, please join the graduate students helping to plan the upcoming talks and tutorials.


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The Institute aims to accelerate research in data science, serving as a nucleating effort to catalyze interdisciplinary research collaborations across fields impacting our society.